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Kategori: Auto Motive

Weigh the benefits and burdens between a new and a used car

TV show Teknari visits Nokian Tyres in Lapland (Swedish subtitles) from Cassandra Surrate on Vimeo.

If you are considering both a new and a used car, find out the pros and cons of each Alternative location. Buying a new car often means less features for the money, but in return the warranty and free service over a period of some manufacturers. A used car can often provide more for their money, but there is always the question mark in the history as well as shorter or no granti at all. Lending terms for used cars is additionally worse with higher interest rates and shorter maturities.

Examine all costs of ownership

Remember that the costs outweigh the payment for the car. Calculation tools on the internet can give you an idea of the average cost of ownership of your particular model. Then adjust the calculations for your personal circumstances and preferences regarding insurance, Run History and domicile. The tools make good calculations and also includes operating costs for example, tires  and maintenance.

Add up the cost of the cars you are interested in for a good overview of the options. Do not forget to calculate the resale value if you do not calculate owning the car for a long time to come. With these estimates, possibly a competing model prove to have a better cost estimate.

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